Lucia Fiore


Lucia Fiore

Strasbourg, France

"Plumasserie is not dead"

Since 2017, Lucia has worked at the crossroads of crafts and visual arts from her Strasbourg studio, combining the old techniques of 'plumasserie' with a desire for exploration and formal research.

more about Lucia Fiore

Value in the details

Plumasserie technique

The artist combines the old techniques of plumasserie and new technologies. To start with, a CNC machine is used to cut and sculpt the wood of each pair of earrings or brooch. Then each piece is sanded down and waxed by hand. After that, the plumasserie can begin. Feathers are prepared and applied by hand. They are washed, sorted, combed, trimmed, glued one by one.

Empty collection

This collection does not contain any products.

You might wonder...

Feathers are very delicate, but with the right care, you will make your jewellery last forever. They fear moisture and direct contact with cosmetic products such as perfumes, creams and lacquers. Avoid touching or rubbing the feather mosaic as much as possible.

Do not wear them when you are playing sports or working out. When you are not wearing your jewellery, put it back in its case (in the case of earrings, take care that they are well separated because if they come into contact with each other, the earrings can be damaged. In case dust gets trapped, blow the jewellery with your breath, a hair dryer or a brush with soft bristles. To re-disinfect the barbs (feather hairs), you can wipe a slightly damp cloth over each feather in the direction of the 'hair'.


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