A design of nature: TA-DAAN and Orange Fiber at Milan Design Week

A design of nature: TA-DAAN and Orange Fiber at Milan Design Week

Explore the collaboration between TA-DAAN and Orange Fiber at Milan Design Week, highlighting sustainable luxury from upcycled citrus waste.

Uniting Tradition and Innovation

This year, Milan Design Week witnessed a remarkable collaboration between TA-DAAN and Orange Fiber. At the Il Giardino delle Idee by Vanity Fair, Orange Fiber made a striking presence with TA-DAAN's unique artisanal products to create a sustainable fashion presence.

The Essence of Orange Fiber 

Orange Fiber stands at the forefront of sustainable textile innovation. Born from the vision to recycle citrus waste, Orange Fiber transforms the "pastazzo" from citrus production — which constitutes about 60% of the fruit's weight — into luxurious, eco-friendly fabrics. This initiative addresses waste management and redefines fabric production, steering the textile industry toward a greener future.

TA-DAAN's partnership with Orange Fiber is underpinned by a mutual commitment to sustainability, quality, and innovation. We believe in the power of merging contemporary design with traditional methods, bringing unique, high-quality, and environmentally conscious products to the first line of design and fashion.

 A Live Crafting Demonstration

The highlight of this collaboration was a live show-crafting event by our artisan - Oneiric, who skillfully demonstrated the transformation of Orange Fiber’s sustainable materials into tangible art. This performance attracted design enthusiasts and stressed the versatility of sustainable materials in modern craftsmanship.

The collaboration drew attention from various sectors, including fashion, design, and sustainability, helping to raise awareness about the potential of upcycled materials. It also provided a platform for both TA-DAAN and Orange Fiber to showcase their commitment to environmental responsibility and innovation in material usage.

The path forward for the design and textile industries is firmly rooted in sustainability. The partnership between TA-DAAN and Orange Fiber is just the beginning of what promises to be an ongoing exploration of how traditional craftsmanship can meet modern sustainability challenges to create something truly revolutionary.

This initiative addresses waste management and redefines fabric production, steering the textile industry toward a greener future.